• ever is earlier • whichever is earlier | |
जो: WHO although AS HOW if only one IF if that which | |
जो भी: any whoever whosoever what so ever whichever any | |
भी: also nay as well besides at that anyway and all | |
पहले: yesterday ahead of time back previously upfront | |
घटित: upcoming | |
हो: hallo as required under the rules in the | |
जो भी पहले घटित हो अंग्रेज़ी में
[ jo bhi pahale ghatit ho ]
जो भी पहले घटित हो उदाहरण वाक्य
उदाहरण वाक्य
- जो भी पहले हो; जो भी पहले घटित हो